What Happens When The Goal Is Not God?

I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, staring out at the far edges of my room. In this moment, I could hear my breathing, and I could hear the questions I had been asking within myself that I had been ignoring. This morning’s question and answer was as sad as it was profound. My question was: What happens when the goal is not God?

After I asked this, I realized that I had been living out the answer to my own question. Over the past several months, I have been neglecting my purpose, and pursuing the desires of the flesh, instead of remaining in The Spirit. I spent WAY too much time on social media making sure that my life was represented well in the media, instead of actually investing in the quality of my life itself. This left me empty, irritated, and internally exhausted. I began to sit and sulk in regret and remorse, until I realized that I’m still breathing (which means I have another chance to change how I’ve been living). If you grew up watching any bit of Disney channel then you probably know the famous Hannah Montana phrase: “Everybody makes mistakes.” However, just because we live in a sinful world and make mistakes, isn’t an excuse to give up and intentionally live a life of them

When we’re not focused on God, so much of our lives is focused on us. What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to travel? What relationships do I long to keep and let go of? All three of these questions are meaningless in comparison to when we decided to make up our mind, and make God the goal of our lives. In fact, all three of these questions begin to change and get sweeter upon a Godly mindset. What do I want to do with my life ? What is God’s Plan and Purpose for me? Where do I want to travel becomes where does God want me to go and do? Finally what relationships do I long to have, becomes a humble surrender and heart posture, that allows God to choose and remove anyone and anything in your life that doesn’t honor Him.

If you’re reading this blog post right now and you relate to being in a season of  ungodly isolation (there is a difference between the good and bad types  of isolation), I want to encourage you to choose Jesus! Turn and run back to Him instead of running back into a blanket of pride. Pride convinces us that everything is ok, when our souls are screaming. Not to mention that the spirit of pride is what got lucifer kicked out of Heaven (showing us how dangerous pride is to our eternal address). It is up to us to kick pride to the curb, and choose Jesus once and for all. Will it require sacrifice? Yes! But is it worth it? Absolutely! To be honest it’s the only thing that is worth it!

So let’s choose today who we will serve, and commit to sticking to The Word of God. God wants to give us a fresh start, just as long as we have a desire to have one! Start fresh and stand new in His Presence today Sis! He’s been waiting for you to come back home!


Lord, Rid Me of pride


Faith Up