Lord, Rid Me of pride

We’ve all had moments in our lives when we’ve done something that we knew God never told us to do. Maybe we disobeyed His Instruction? Or chose to do things our own way for a while? But have you ever found yourself constantly and confidently making choices in deliberate disobedience to God’s Will?

As hard as it may be to swallow, anytime we question God’s Authority, Direction, or Say in our lives, we are coming from one of two places, doubt or pride. You know it took me years to even be able to admit that I had ever struggled with pride, which ironically makes sense for someone who had a problem with pride. But the minute I realized that nothing is good without God, and that He is the reason I still get to breathe, my perspective immediately shifted.

What is something that you have given yourself or another individual credit for, that was never yours/theirs to own? Maybe it's the fact that you paid off your car, got a new job, or started a new business? Or maybe it’s something simple like your favorite restaurant having all your favorite dishes to order on a day you didn’t expect? All of these things, and all good things come from God.

It’s in us realizing that without Him nothing good or lovely would exist, that helps us surrender the throne of our hearts to God, so that He can rule and reign in every part of our lives!

What is one way that you can intentionally check your heart and surrender any prideful thoughts, actions, and habits this week?


What Happens When The Goal Is Not God?