Faith Up

     Have you ever been through a spiritual season that was way harder than others? Some of the hardest battles in my life were never seen in the physical world. This is because the most difficult battles that I’ve ever faced have all been spiritual battles. I think we often forget that we’ve been created to worship God in everything we do (our lives, choices, actions, reactions, investments (both relational and financial) etc…) This timely opportunity that we have been created to live in here on earth is our chance to tell as many people about Jesus as possible. For once this time on this earth is over, those who believe and have accepted Jesus into their hearts as their personal Lord and Savior, will go Heaven to be with King Jesus FOREVER! I don’t know about you, but I’M SO EXCITED!

     Friend, our lives are meant to be a Living Sacrifice for The Lord which means that now is the time to FULL SEND IN FAITH! Down here is the work, in Heaven is the Reward! It’s an honor to be a Daughter of The King, and I have decided to no longer take it lightly. Will you join me? Let’s commit to living by faith and not by sight! Holding onto God’s Promises instead of the worldly perspectives. I want you and I to be Daughters of The King full of faith in our Father God! Daughters chase after the Heart of God instead of the hearts of men or friends. You have been given a divine opportunity to live for Christ here on earth and forevermore, bold, beautiful, and belovedly. Will you take it?


What Happens When The Goal Is Not God?


Called To Invest