Let’s Keep It Reel!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “doing the right thing for the wrong reasons?” I recently had the opportunity of living this phrase out, and let me tell ya, it was very interesting. You see I recently felt God’s call to expand Bold.Beautiful.Beloved, and up our content on social media. I was immediately excited to grow, and get to create cool reels and participate in insta’s version of a TikTok challenge. I’d seen other bloggers and influencers do it, and so I thought, why not me too?! Girl let me tell ya, I started making reels, editing content, and doing challenges so much, that I started forgetting to ask God what He wanted me to post, how He wanted me to show up, and how He wanted me to use my gifts and talents to glorify Him. After a while, I even started to get irritated when a reel wouldn’t do as well as I hoped, and it started to effect the way that I treated others, even outside of the social media realm. I would have random attitudes for no apparent reason, walk around sulking because I felt like I failed, and honestly had a heavy heart that was confused over why things weren’t going the way I planned. But that’s the problem, my posts weren’t supposed to turn out the way I planned, they were supposed to turn out according to God’s Plan. Friend, sometimes in life we can find ourselves lost in the highlight reels, searching with every part of our soul for attention and to be seen. The reason for the deep longing however, is not because we aren’t seen or loved, it’s because the people in which we are searching for love from, aren’t supposed to be responsible for our love tanks. Jesus is the only one who will ever satisfy every deep desire in every nook and cranny of our hearts! He’s the ultimate source of Love, Strength, Truth, Humility, and so much more... He is the only One you will ever truly need. So in closing I must say, learn from my mistakes. It’s ok to show up and show out for God, as long as your heart posture is truly set on serving God, and not yourself. I know it gets hard sometimes, and when your realize how much time you’ve waisted you really start to feel silly, but always remember that’s one of the things that’s so cool about our God, He sees us, loves us, and forgives us everyday, every time, and for any reason. And you know what’s so cool about God’s mercy and grace, even after all my mistakes and insta reels, He still chose to bless me with the opportunity of sharing my mistake with you, so you don’t have to learn this lesson in your reel life. God is so kind!


Are you pregnant?


There’s Peace In Your Purpose