Are you pregnant?

Pregnancy is such a beautiful process that starts months before the baby even arrives. Growing babies require nutrients to grow and develop, and the mother’s choices affect the baby she carries. Today the Lord reminded me that the same amount of love, care, and intention that a mother gives to the growing child inside of her, is the same love, care, and intention that we must give to the God projects that God gifts us with. You see I’ve realized that there are two kinds of pregnancy, the first is of course God's gift of bringing a life into the world, and the second is the birth of an idea that God has given you, that’s the kind that I have. Similar to how after nine months a baby’s due date finally arrives, after a given time of preparation and development, the idea that God has given you must be too delivered. So I must ask you, when is your due date? Is God leading you to give birth to the God project that He has placed upon your heart? Now I know some of you are probably like, “Girl I’m 52 weeks pregnant, and I never gave birth to the project that God asked me to deliver!” Or maybe you’re nervous about the birthing process, what are people going to think? Will you lose friends? What are the costs? Friend, let me just remind you that if God has placed a project on your heart, know that He has and will continue to provide everything you need in order to deliver it into the world. The projects that God gives us bring life into the world, remind people of who they are, and most importantly draw others close to Christ. So I know you may not be showing yet, but I have to ask, are you pregnant?


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