There’s Peace In Your Purpose

Sometimes we’re stubborn towards walking in our purpose. We think we’ve been spending our whole lives waiting for our purpose, but honestly, we’re the one person stopping ourselves from embracing it. We say it’s just one day, one week, one more year but, what are we waiting for? What fear have we been insistent on holding onto, and more important why? We know deep inside that we’re all created and designed to live a very intentional and detailed purpose, so why are we hiding from it? My guess is that we’re choosing to care more about what people think, instead of choosing to listen to what our Creator says to our hearts. I don’t think we realize how much damage caring about what people think can do if we allow it. When we care about what anyone thinks outside of our Heavenly Father, it changes the way we act, think, speak, relate, and most importantly live. We become so focused on pleasing the people around us whether it’s one person or a few, that they begin to slowly lose ourselves in the process, and honestly it’s exhausting. That however does not mean that it is incurable. A deep and intentional relationship with God is the answer because, sooner or later you’ll see that living life for Jesus requires shutting up the voices that say that living in and for anyone else is worth anything more. It’s not and it never was worth anything because opinions change, sinful nature seeks to please only the flesh even if it means losing your life to do so but no, that’s not what we’re made for. God didn’t place us on this earth to live life for ourselves or others. He placed us here, hoping within His great and vast love for us, that we would choose to live our lives for Him and Him alone. No opinions, no condemnation, no shame, just His love and the embrace of His Loving Arms. Your Daddy loves you oh so much, it’s indescribable! The question is, will you live your life loving Him back?


Let’s Keep It Reel!


What Does It Mean To Be Bold?