God Is ALWAYS With You

When’s the last time you were offered help, and said the famous phrase, “ I can do it by myself!" Whether it was last week, last month, or even last year, we all know that feeling when we’ve been offered help, but we find ourselves wanting to do it alone. This is what I’ve found myself doing with God lately. I’ll listen to hear all that He has to tell me about the next season in my life, but when it comes to living it out… I've got that part covered…well…not really. What is it that makes us feel like we must do the great things by ourselves, without The Great One who gave us the lives to do them? Sis, we’re not supposed to be living our lives alone. God gave each of us a life, and His Heart wants us to choose to spend our lives with Him, He won’t force us to do so. I realized, after some deep soul searching, that I was allowing pride to get in the way of my biggest blessing…living life with My Father God! The difference between deliverance and self bondage was ultimate surrender to God’s Will and Plan! No more taking His Will and fitting it into my plan. No more ignoring His Voice, so I could try and live my life the way I saw fit until it fell apart. Full and total surrender was the big choice I had to make, and am making every single day. God created us for so much more than we could even imagine for ourselves…why wouldn't we want to walk in and with The Greatness we have been created for. Sis, I challenge you to think of the things you need to surrender to God, maybe it’s your time, your relationships, your mindset…whatever you’ve been carrying alone. I pray that you give it all to God, and that you allow Him to lead you through this gift called life! You are not alone my friend, God is always with you!


Put God First


Don’t Discard The Dream