The Most Important Relationship of All!

We’ve all had that friend that comes around when you’re doing big things that they can benefit off of, and leaves when there’s no longer any big news. Truth is, they only pretend to be our friend, they're not really our friend at all. Sitting here in my room, trying hard not to stress over the fact that I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow, I realized that I’ve been that kind of friend to Jesus, and to be honest, it bites. I think we all have had moments in our lives when we needed help from the Lord, and regardless of how long it’s been since we’ve talked to Him, we’ve alway reached out and asked for His help. However, what happens when your prayer is answered and/or God blesses you with more than you ever asked for? Do you go back to not talking to Him? Do you temporarily seek Him just so that you won’t miss out on some blessings you feel might come soon after? I’ve unfortunately done both of these, but I’ve decided not anymore, I want to seek Him for real! It's funny how we act sometimes, thinking we can hide our intentions and reasons for seeking God from God, He knows literally everything! Haha silly us! I also find it interesting how some situations in life (like oral surgery) can remind us how important it is to seek God for real, for real! Let’s make a choice to seek God in all seasons of life, rainy days and sunny days, cloudy days, and days with clear skies. Our relationship with God Sis, is the most important relationship we’ll ever have; and if we want to spend eternity with Him in Heaven, why wouldn’t we want to start spending time with Him now?


The Christmas Lesson


Relationship Are Watered By Time